use ethers::{
core::{types::TransactionRequest, utils::Anvil},
providers::{Http, Middleware, Provider},
use eyre::Result;
/// The gas escalator middleware in ethers-rs is designed to automatically increase the gas cost of
/// transactions if they get stuck in the mempool. This can be useful if you want to
/// ensure that transactions are processed in a timely manner without having to manually adjust the
/// gas cost yourself.
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let every_secs: u64 = 60;
let max_price: Option<i32> = None;
// Linearly increase gas price:
// Start with `initial_price`, then increase it by fixed amount `increase_by` every `every_secs`
// seconds until the transaction gets confirmed. There is an optional upper limit.
let increase_by: i32 = 100;
let linear_escalator = LinearGasPrice::new(increase_by, every_secs, max_price);
// Geometrically increase gas price:
// Start with `initial_price`, then increase it every 'every_secs' seconds by a fixed
// coefficient. Coefficient defaults to 1.125 (12.5%), the minimum increase for Parity to
// replace a transaction. Coefficient can be adjusted, and there is an optional upper limit.
let coefficient: f64 = 1.125;
let geometric_escalator = GeometricGasPrice::new(coefficient, every_secs, max_price);
async fn send_escalating_transaction<E>(escalator: E) -> Result<()>
E: GasEscalator + Clone + 'static,
// Spawn local node
let anvil = Anvil::new().spawn();
let endpoint = anvil.endpoint();
// Connect to the node
let provider = Provider::<Http>::try_from(endpoint)?;
let provider = GasEscalatorMiddleware::new(provider, escalator, Frequency::PerBlock);
let accounts = provider.get_accounts().await?;
let from = accounts[0];
let to = accounts[1];
let tx = TransactionRequest::new().from(from).to(to).value(1000);
// Bumps the gas price until transaction gets mined
let pending_tx = provider.send_transaction(tx, None).await?;
let receipt = pending_tx.await?;